Welcome to Account Recovery Services
For over 45 years, ARS – Account Recovery Services has provided the full range of highly effective accounts receivable management services to health care organizations in New England. Our debt collection agency is unlike traditional third-party collections companies. As an added benefit, ARS has it's own in-house legal department staffed with seasoned and experienced collections attorneys. This difference allows ARS to process the more challenging collections efforts, that may require action in the court system, through a smooth seamless transition and without fourth-party involvement.

ARS offers a variety of Accounts Receivable solutions both to you, our client, and to your debtors in support of your internal systems and collections.

Our People
Our debt collections agency experienced operations team members have backgrounds in patient accounting, hospital & group practice billing, insurance and Medicare follow-up, and medical front office. This experience, combined with exceptional customer service and supported by our own in-house legal department has made ARS more efficient and effective in liquidating past-due accounts and turning receivables to cash.

Our Attorneys
Our legal staff brings decades of experience in debt collections litigation to bear swiftly and efficiently when needed.

Our highly automated systems allow us to customize notices and reports to meet your specific needs and requirements

Faster Turn Around
ARS has full in-house operations. Our vertically integrated approach and systems mean faster turn-around on your accounts, getting cash to you more quickly